Hindi is my native language. I can write English well, and can speak English to some reasonable extent.
In order to teach the toddler English, I have been speaking English to her ever since she was born. She is 2.6 years old. I do not speak Hindi with her at all. For past 6 months, I have been speaking English with my spouse too specially in child's presence. Spouse replies in Hindi. There is no other person at home and we don't have many guests too.
Spouse doesn't talk too much with the child. I do all the talking. The child can understand all the English I speak.
The problem is that she has started speaking many complete sentences in Hindi with a near proper pronunciation (which I never spoke to her), but when it comes to speaking English she just can't speak it.
She speaks English when I tell her to repeat after me word by word, but when it comes to speaking sentences, I can see that she can't pronounce anything properly as compared to Hindi. She find it difficult to complete the sentence properly even without my help.
She indeed goes to daycare where Hindi is spoken, but those people have other children to care about too. Their job isn't to teach her the language.
So, my problem is that if she hears "anyone" saying a sentence in Hindi, she easily repeats it at that very moment itself.
On the other hand I keep on repeating same sentences in English 10,000 times throughout the day, but she speaks them only when forced with quite incorrect pronunciation.
So, I wish to know that for a toddler who has just begun to speak, is Hindi easier to speak as compared to English?