According to the Wikipedia article, Compound (linguistic), compound words that occur in natural languages can be semantically grouped into four categories. Witness this quote from the article:
“endocentric: A+B denotes a special kind of B: examples: darkroom, smalltalk”
“exocentric: A+B denotes a special kind of an unexpressed semantic head: examples: skinhead, paleface (head: ‘person’)”
“copulative: A+B denotes ‘the sum’ of what A and B denote: examples: bittersweet, sleepwalk”
“appositional: A and B provide different descriptions for the same referent: examples: actor-director, maidservant”
Generally speaking, how common is each of these types of compounds across languages? For example, are appositional compounds rare, not that common, common, or extremely common across the documented natural languages?