Are there words/phrases/compound-words in two different languages that use the same words in their respective languages (like a calque / loan translation) but result in different meanings?
Here is a made up example if my question isn't clear:
[English] Lady Bird meaning A small beetle.
[Some other Language] XY (X = Lady, Y = Bug) which should have a meaning different from the beetle (Maybe something like a lady who is irritating just to give you an example).
I know that calques have the same meaning in both languages for example: Superman and Übermensch means almost the same thing in English and German but here I am specifically looking for words that seem like calques / loan translations but differ in their meanings.
I wasn't able to find any questions here on the topic. Loanwords with different meanings from original language? This is the closest I can find but it is a question on loanwords that diverged from their original meanings.
Any help is appreciated!