The human linguist, Noam Chomsky, has asserted that if a Martian linguist were to visit earth, he would observe only one language and one grammar, albeit with many variants. Chomsky posited a (yet undiscovered) Language Acquisition Device in the human brain that recognizes and generates a Universal Grammar.
The Martian Linguist would have observed that the vast majority of human languages (more than 90%) have the Subject preceding the Object (So with the Verb, the S-O languages would be SVO, SOV, or VSO.) While there are a few scrambling languages (where Object may precede Subject), Object preceding Subject sounds foreign to anyone's ears. Linguists and screenwriters intentionally subvert the S-O order to make alien languages sound, well, alien (e.g., Klingon (OVS), Yoda-speak (OSV)).
If Chomsky is correct, then both grammar and language are part of being human. It would be impossible to tease out which came first. Your brain is hardwired to speak and understand S-O grammar. It also stores and processes verbs and nouns in different parts of the brain.
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