The contrast between velars and labials in Element Theory is represented either as, respectively, | | vs |U|, or |U| vs |U_| (headed |U|).

What if a language contrast plain velars and labials with labialised velars and labials, postalveolars and palatalised velars/palatals: /b bʷ d dʒ gʲ g gʷ/? How could these contrasts in Place of Articulation be represented in Element Theory?

1 Answer 1


There is a distinction between head and dependent which is exploited, with C dominating head elements and adjoined V dominating dependent ones within the segment. See p. 10 of van de Weijer: replace "t" with "U" and you'd have a labialized labial. There is some variation in the theory as to representations e.g. whether velars are placeless.

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