In those languages I'm a bit familiar with, the verb for drinking is very often understood as drinking alcohol, especially if its meaning "the oral intake of any fluid", wouldn't make sense.
For example, "I don't drink.", "Ich trinke nicht." (German), "No tomo." (Spanish) and「飲みません。」(Japanese) seem to be usual expressions to confess one's teetotalism. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)
However, I would find it very surprising if this phenomenon would be somehow universal among languages because of the long drinking culture in the respective culture.
Are there languages in which the generic word for drinking can not convey the meaning of drinking alcohol by itself, so that the direct translation of the above sentence could only be understood as the renunciation of any kind of beverage and would therefore irritate the listeners?
I would expect this to be the case in languages where alcohol consumption isn't socially accepted in the respective society (e. g. in languages with mostly islamic speakers) or in languages whose speakers have only been exposed to alcohol for a comparatively short time period.
Can anyone provide further information, especially on those languages?