I'm a beginner of nlp. I'm wondering who is annotator of corpus usually ? Who does actually do works of annotating ? Researchers?
corpus anotation is 'the practice of adding interpretative linguistic information to a corpus’ (Leech 2005) - linguistic or interpretative info. The product is a value-added corpus.– Luboš MotlCommented Jun 17, 2016 at 15:14
ok. I understood that, but I wonder 'who' are actual annotators which do works.– tsrrhhhCommented Jun 17, 2016 at 15:31
Some linguists or otherwise informed people, am I wrong? What sort of an answer do you expect?– Luboš MotlCommented Jun 17, 2016 at 15:34
2Most often, they are students hired for part-time jobs and given instructions on how to annotate.– prash ♦Commented Jun 18, 2016 at 3:34
1I sold a big text file for $100 for a corpus created by a Russian Finnish linguist. The prices vary, don't they? ;-)– Luboš MotlCommented Jun 18, 2016 at 6:59
3 Answers
In a manner of speaking, a corpus annotator can be a programme, called lemmatizer or PoS tagger which tag text corpora automatically based on trained data which were tagged manually by people.
For those people who have ambitious aims for NLP. If you want to reveal secret insights from your corpus, you need to work on it. Supervised learning is mostly used for labeling your features. Then thanks to some ML algorithms you are creating model that is suitable for your work. At that point, you need someone/people to label your corpus. Annotators are taking stepping in that stage.