I was listening to the 8 Primary Cardinal Vowels and 10 Secondary Cardinal Vowels. I found the Front Vowels easier to distinguish than the Back Vowels. If I were to pick the 8 most distinguishable monophthongs, it'd be close to the Primary Cardinal Vowels, but I'd actually replace 1 Back Vowel with a Secondary Cardinal Central Vowel. This would be it:
1 [i] close front unrounded vowel
2 [e] close-mid front unrounded vowel
3 [ɛ] open-mid front unrounded vowel
4 [a] open front unrounded vowel
5 [ɑ] open back unrounded vowel
6 [ɨ] Close central unrounded vowel
7 [ɔ] open-mid back rounded vowel
8 [u] close back rounded vowel
Is this a universal phenomenon, for people to distinguish Front Vowels more easily than Back Vowels? Is there much research on which Vowels people (whether phoneticians or from the general population) can distinguish the easiest/most accurately?