What's the current thinking on genetic affiliations of Songhay?
My old texts confidentially place it as Nilo-Saharan. This places a likely proto-Songhay homeland back closer to the Nile, with its speakers following the Sahel to the Niger.
However, that entire language family appears to be controversial now. The current Wikipedia page on the subject mentions alternate theories of it being related to the Berber Languages (which would make it Afro-Asiatic), or Mande (Niger-Congo). The obvious negative, that it is its own family, doesn't seem to have been mentioned.
It seems like if it belonged to one of the three main large language families native to Africa, it ought to be fairly obvious which one it is. There shouldn't be different people separately arguing for all three.
So anyway, what is the current consensus on this? Is it really completely and utterly up in the air like WP is implying, or is there are clear majority opinion?