Arabic has many dialects, but in general the /R/ in Modern Standard Arabic is an alveolar trill (or is it not?) - like the Spanish perro - according to Wikipedia and it is also what I have heard from many native speakers.
- I came across this teacher who seems to render it as an alveolar flap (?).
Is it the correct /R/ in Modern Standard Arabic? In fact, I often hear such an alveolar flap from native speakers, especially in fluent speech. I think in Arabic there are no rules about it, it simply a matter of how much you try to stretch the /R/ - if it's quite short then it will only be a flap.
But this teacher says that this is the way to render it - whether you speak fast or slowly.
- Then I came across this teacher
Here the /R/ sounds like neither a trill nor a flap. What is it actually?
Is it considered a more correct form of /R/ in Modern Standard Arabic?
Or are both these teachers refer to other dialects of Arabic?