I'm working on an academic writing in English, but as a non-native speaker, I feel lacking of vocabulary.

When a word has its origin in the Chinese language, we use the term 'Sino-' such as Sino-Korean or Sino-Japanese. And I wonder if there is such a thing for English-originated? I'd like to refer to some loanwords from English but in accordance with the 'Sino-'.

Thank you in advance.


1 Answer 1



An Anglicism is a word or construction borrowed from English into another language.

Or, more prosaically (and more common), English loan.

OP asks for a counterpart to Sino-, which as @boiko points out, is Anglo-. But as a prefix in Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese, Sino- has a connotation of hybridisation, or at least deeply enmeshed bilingualism (Sino-Korean = Chinese as spoken in Korea, Sinicised Korean). The counterpart to that with Anglo- is, if anything, Anglo-Norman: Norman French as spoken in England (and itself a source of loans into English).

Anglo-Korean would not work: it implies routine codeswitching and bilingualism. The connotation is much too strong for the present-day loans from English into Korean, which does not involve the same level of influence as Sino-Korean.

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