When entering Danish lexemes into Wikidata, I have been unsure which grammatical features one should assign to the Danish superlative forms "-st" and "-ste" for adjectives, e.g., in bedst and bedste. The question is whether/how they relates to grammatical number (singular/plural) and definiteness (definite/indefinite) or any other grammatical feature.
I now see that English Wiktionary regard the -st form as "predicative" and the -ste form as "attributive", e.g., at https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stor#Danish. From this information, neither the grammatical number nor the definiteness are characteristics of the forms.
Is the English Wiktionary correct in stating that the grammatical feature for superlative forms of adjectives should be set to either "attributive" or "predicative" or are there any subtleties I am missing? I cannot come up with any exceptions.