PS *kysnǫti / *kvasъ PIE ū / wā (wō)
PS *xytiti / *xvatati PIE ū / wā (wō)
PS *xyrěti / *хrati ū / wo
? PS *ty / *tjь ū / wo

Is it somehow related to kʷetwóres rule?

modern Russian spelling
киснуть / квас
похитить / хватать
хиреть / хворать
ты / твой

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PS *y is Old Slavic ЪI (which is a ligature of Ъ followed by I)
PS *Ъ from PIE semivowel u

  • Doesn't the Proto-Slavic *a come from PIE long vowels (like PIE *ā, *ō, *ē), not from the PIE short *a as you have it in the «PIE ū / wa»?
    – Yellow Sky
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 19:16
  • @Yellow Sky I answered You are right Thank you. Who deleted my answer?
    – fedor
    Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 5:07
  • 2
    At face value (I’m not great with Slavic, never have been), ū/wā looks like it would be PIE *-uh2/*-u̯eh2, zero- and full-grade forms of a feminine u-stem. The personal pronoun forms aren’t regular in PIE either – it’s not even certain whether the nominative was *tu, *tū or *tuh2 (some have even argued that the base vowel was *i). It’s fairly well agreed-upon, though, that the vowel in the strong case forms acted much like a thematic vowel, so the dative was something like *t(u̯)oi̯. Wiktionary has a decent overview of some of the suggested reconstructions (under *túh2). Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 6:50


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