In (Peškovskij, 1914, p. 246) I stumbled upon the following (Russian) assertion:
Opisannoe vytesnenie predikativnogo imenitel'nogo tvoritel'nym možno rassmatrivat' kak častnyj slučaj obščego stremlenii indoevropejskix jazykov zamenjat' pa r allel'nye konstrukcii neparallel'nymi.
Roughly translated, the bold part suggests that Indo-European languages do have a 'general tendency' towards replacing 'parallel' constructions with 'non-parallel' constructions. From the context, I assume that with parallel are meant constructions with grammatical case agreement.
I assume that this might be a 'natural phenomenon' which occurs as to avoid (syntactical) ambiguity. My question is: what is this related "tendency" of Indo-European Languages? (And possibly, any interesting sources that explain it)
Peškovskij, A. (1914). Russkij sintaksis v naučnom osveščenii. Moscow, first edition