Is there a syntactically valid situation when 2 noun phrases are next to each other in English within the same sentence?
I am building a bottom-up parser for English. I need to know if [NP][NP] situation can be used as a elimination rule.
Is there a syntactically valid situation when 2 noun phrases are next to each other in English within the same sentence?
I am building a bottom-up parser for English. I need to know if [NP][NP] situation can be used as a elimination rule.
Absolutely it does. Aside from various bitransitive schemes,
two NPs in a row is a standard parsing signal for an upcoming relative clause with a nonsubject relative.
the man [∅] Bill saw left early. = [[man]np [[Bill]np saw]s]np
The man who saw Bill left early.
As can be seen, it doesn't work that way with subject relative pronouns, because they can't be deleted.
Every finite clause in English must have a subject.
That's Rule One.
; it amounts to the same thing, since it's the second person that has to be the subject of the verb containing the order, but the addressee of the formal order itself. Saying I hereby state that S
means exactly the same as simply saying S
, saying I ask you whether X is Y means exactly the same as simply saying X is Y.
Yes, in so-called double object constructions:
Give me the pen.
They made him a lieutenant.
In case it helps with your parser: I think this construction tends to be avoided when the first NP is not pronominal.
They made Jim a lieutenant.
is still OK, but
Give Rosie the pen.
(while not ungrammatical or terribly uncommon) would more frequently be expressed as
Give the pen to Rosie.
Another construction you may want to bear in mind involves a kind of ellipsis operation called 'gapping'. This is pretty vanishingly rare in written English, and not very common in spoken English, but i mention it here for the sake of completeness:
(1) Some ate pizza, and others {ate} pasta (2) I should call you, or you {should call} me?
The braces indicate that a string can be deleted under identity. Note that this looks like deletion of a non-constituent, but it's generally analysed as involving movement of an argument from out of the VP, followed by deletion of the entire VP.
It only really happens in coordination constructions, and it tends to be subject to fairly strict locality. Shouldn't be too difficult to write a rule for.
Another instance which hasn't been mentioned is coordination of more than two elements, i.e.
"You, me and John should go to the cinema together."
Not sure if your parser pays attention to punctuation - if it does you could write a special rule for this, taking advantage of the comma separating the first two elements.
One last thing - don't have the rep to comment directly, but it's not quite right semantically to say that "They made Jim a lieutenant" is an identificational construction that equates its two object NPs. Rather, [Jim a lieutenant] is syntactically a small-clause, with predicational semantics. [a lieutenant] is a predicative DP which takes the individual-denoting DP [Jim] as its argument. Note that the predicative element in a small clause can just as easily be an adjective: "They made Jim angry".
"Who gave what to Mary is Peter the pen." Not very common in English, but very prominent in case-marked languages (German: "Wer wem was gab ist Peter Paul den Stift.")
Looking deeper into the Wikipedia: Verb
Two-place transitive: Vg verbs
Vg verbs (named after the verb give) precede either two noun phrases or a noun phrase and then a prepositional phrase often led by to or for. For example: "The players gave their teammates high fives." "The players gave high fives to their teammates." When two noun phrases follow a transitive verb, the first is an indirect object, that which is receiving something, and the second is a direct object, that being acted upon. Indirect objects can be noun phrases or prepositional phrases.
Transitive Verbs: Vc verbs
Vc verbs (named after the verb consider) are followed by a noun phrase that serves as a direct object and then a second noun phrase, adjective, or infinitive phrase. The second element (noun phrase, adjective, or infinitive) is called a complement, which completes a clause that would not otherwise have the same meaning. For example: "The young couple considers the neighbors wealthy people." "Some students perceive adults quite inaccurately." "Sarah deemed her project to be the hardest she has ever completed."