I am trying to construct a first-order logic representation of the following sentence. My general approach for constructing the representation is to parse the sentence into a phrase structure tree using a context-free grammar with features.
One of those features is an expression in lambda-calculus, which allows the composition the sentences semantics from the nodes of the phrase structure tree.
I am not the alien here.
NP -> Det N | N
N -> 'I' | 'alien'
Det -> 'the'
LV -> Neg Copula | Copula
Neg -> 'not'
Copula -> 'am'
I am stuck on how to parse the word "here". Formally, 'here' is a deictic locative predicate (source).
I understand, from the linke English.SE answer, that a first-order logic representation of "I am the alien here" could be (here(I) & alien(I)). Which one should receive the negation in "I am not the alien here"?