Here are examples of text with removed borrowed words, generated by AIs:
In the heartland of our land, a foresitter is chosen through a free choosing by the folk. This foresitter then leads the lawmaking body in drawing up new laws and rules. These laws must be fair, forthright and for the wellbeing of all underfolk. No one, not even the foresitter, is above these laws. The foresitter's main work is to make sure that these laws are upheld and followed by all. The foresitter is also tasked with upholding the peace and safety of all homeland dwellers.
The foresitter of the United Lands stood at the stand to give his wordtalk. He spoke of the great inwork and manpower of our folk, and how we must put it to work for good. Though we face many bands striving against our lifeway, he said, the folkstrength and goodwill of our people shall overcome. By our foresight and readiness to give our work and lifesblood, we shall win the victory over misuse of strength, falseness and illwill, and make these Lands a home of freedom, rightwiseness and wellbeing for all. The foresitter ended saying "May our folk and Land, under One Mighty, have a new birth of freedom, and that lawfulness of the folk, by the folk, for the folk, shall not go lost from the Lands." The crowd gave loud joycries at these wordtalks. Though the foresitter had spoken Anglish, all knew his meaning and the great heartstrength behind it.
The foresitter of the linkedlands stood at the standstone and gave an inword to the folk. He told about the moons of harvest and the good speed of the land's wealthlifeness. He bid that more would be done to lift up the least of the folk, the poor and needy. “All shall have meat on the board, a roof overhead and clothes on their backs,” quoth he. “And this shall be done with the strengths and skills within our folk, not beholden to other folks over the sea. Our land shall stand on its own two feet. Let us join hands together and do this deed.” The folk gave a great cry of “yea” at his inword.
The foresitter of the joined folkdom stood at the speechstick and greeted all the folk. He told about the folkdom's new plans to make more food for the poor, give more learning to the little ones, and find new ways to heal sick folk. He said the folkdom would work hard to keep peace between all folk and help other folkdoms in need. At the end, he asked the folk to look after each other and strengthen the bonds between them. He hoped all would use their gifts of thought, speech and inwork to care for the folkdom and for all folk. The folk clapped and cheered after his wordlaying. It would take much inwork and willpower to fulfill these hopes, but all felt joy at the foresitter's uplifting message.
Of course, it overlooks some borrowed words, like "plans", but overall, the result is not bad.