An answer to a different question pointed out that the vast majority of search engine queries coming from Ukraine, before the invasion, seemed to be in Russian. That was despite the fact that the queries shown seemed to be asking for local results.
If this means that most Ukrainians are more proficient in Russian than Ukrainian, that is very surprising, since Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine.
However, I can think of other possible explanations for this observation:
- Perhaps those who are more proficient in Ukrainian, use an alternative search engine?
- Perhaps the users are just choosing the language that will give more or better results, and continue using Russian out of habit even while searching for local results?
- Perhaps familiarity with the Russian keyboard layout forces their choice? That is, what if someone speaks Ukrainian in everyday life, but touch types only in Russian?
So I'm curious if there is other evidence that tells us whether the majority of Ukrainians are more proficient in Russian than Ukrainian, or not.