Let's look at these two noun phrases: 1 - The chapter of the book. 2 - A mother of two kids.

Could you please help me understand why 'of the book' is a postmodifier while 'of two kids' is a complement?

Many thanks in advance! Houcine

  • Who gave those definitions of those phrases?
    – Lambie
    Commented Mar 9 at 15:34
  • Who says there is a modifier here? Both are complements if you ask me, since both nouns inherently describe relations.
    – Alazon
    Commented Mar 9 at 15:35
  • I agree, both are complements. Commented Mar 10 at 8:55
  • Yes, both of PPs are complments.
    – BillJ
    Commented Mar 10 at 9:11
  • 1
    Thank you so much, sir. I was extremely confused when I read it. I was about to buy it :) but now I guess I'm going to buy Huddleston's book. Thank you again and have a blessed day!
    – Houcine
    Commented Mar 16 at 18:02


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