In Dependency Grammar we consider the meaning of a wordform either as a semantic predicate (:=predicate) or as a semantic name. Let us suppose we have a predicate, which has a predicate as argument (e.g. in 'He speaks Danish well' we have speaks=speaks(He,Danish) and well=well(speaks)). The questions are
a. How does this perspective agree with Predicate Calculus (where a predicate cannot be argument of another predicate)?
b. Has some suitable to this occasion Calculus been developed?
c. What about the negation operation in a Calculus as in (b)? What would happen in a case as P(~Q(x)), where P,Q predicates and x a term? Would it be equal to ~P?
At A. Polguere, I. Mel'cuk, Dependency in Linguistic Description, p.10 we read: "[...] the meaning of a sentence can be represented using the formalism of the predicate calculus. We say that an argument of a predicate semantically depends on this predicate; for P(a) we write P–sem→a. As I have said, an argument of a predicate P_1 can be another predicate P_2 with its own arguments [...]". (This book is just great as all Mel'cuk's works.) Here the author treats the idea of predicate-inside-predicate absolutely naturally. Furthermore he makes straight reference to predicate calulus!