The transcription of the word ecce in ecclesiastical pronunciation doesn't make sense to me, as there is a combination of a syllable break and a long occlusive.
These are the two notations for /ecce/: ['et.t͡ʃe] - ['et͡ːʃe].
The two c make the [t] sound, and at the same time in the middle of the two c there's a syllable break. I was thinking something close to the percussive bilabial [ʬ], like a percussive t and an unpercussive t, something like:
Percussive diacritic ꜛ, Unpercussive diacritic ꜜ ---> ['etꜛ.tꜜ͡ʃe]
In this way, the long [t] is emulated and we still manage to see the syllable break. Is there any other formal/official way to write this, or should we add a new diacritic in the IPA?
I don't think [t.t] is equivalent to [t:], as with [t.t] you have to unarticulate [t] and then rearticulate it, for example [t.t.t.t.t] is like emulating gun shots and not a really a long [t::::]. Am I crazy?