By "possessive adjective" here I mean a fully productive form which is derived from a noun, inflected like an adjective (including agreeing with its head noun in whatever categories other adjectives do in the language), and expresses possession, or some broader set of concepts that include possession. A made-up English example would be if the boyish bicycle was the regular way of saying the boy's bicycle.
I know that Russian and other Slavic languages have such possessive adjectives, but I gather that in these languages they aren't fully productive, but are limited to certain semantic classes (e.g. names kinship terms), while the unmarked, fully productive way of expressing possession is the genitive case. I'm looking for languages in which such adjectives are the default or the only way of expressing possession.
Chukchi seems to be one such language (in fact, it has two different types of such adjectives with differing semantics). What are others?