As many amateurs and beginners know, IPA is difficult to memorize and internalize at first. Does software exist where one can paste in IPA text and hear synthesized speech (ideally in the form of a web page converter)?
I realize that such software would have to have caveats: it would be language specific since IPA to sound mappings can vary among languages, it would sound artificial and thus not be a completely accurate compared to the real sound of a given dialect, it might not get syllable stress right without diacritics. Nonetheless, it could be helpful when one reads a IPA representation of a dialect that one does not have a recording of and has not heard in real life.
This question is similar, but not the same as it is basically asking for a text-to-text lookup table. Some of the links in this answer are good for audio of individual phonemes (fascinating in itself), but do not seem to aggregate them into words.
This online forum mentions a converter here, but it seems to be mostly discontinued and not IPA as far as I can tell.
If this does not exist, I am considering writing a crude one based on the clips from here. I wonder what I will learn through that process.