
Is there always one unique way to partition a sentence into its constituents or, like in the following picture, is it possible to analyze a sentence into parts several different ways?

rows of dots indicating words with red underlines representing parts of sentences

The three rows of dots represent the same sentence, and the red underlines represent constituents, such as a noun phrase, compound verb, or prepositional phrase.

  • 2
    -1 As indicated by a comment to one of your previous questions, 'part of sentence' is not a standard term. Please see this comment, and adjust your terminology. Otherwise people can't answer your questions...
    – robert
    Commented Nov 4, 2014 at 17:51
  • 1
    There's always an ambiguity. Time flies like an arrow --> Each of a type of flying insect, "time-flies," individually enjoys a different arrow (similar comparison applies). Commented Nov 4, 2014 at 18:48
  • @robert In meireikei-ese, "part of sentence" is to constituents as "part of speech" is to individual words. I have suggested an edit to standardize the terms. Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 2:22
  • In written language there is always ambiguity because it only represents a small part of the actual signal. Anybody who's built a parser knows that it's hard to get a program to distinguish a normal parse from a ridiculous but possible alternative parse that's allowed by the rules. In speech ambiguity is much rarer.
    – jlawler
    Commented Aug 4, 2015 at 17:37

2 Answers 2


The way one analyses a sentence and divides it into parts depends on the system of analysis one uses. The sentence that follows, for example, can be divided in several ways:

The old man hit the young girl with a thin cane.

[The old man] [hit the young girl with a thin cane.]

[The old man] [[hit] [the young girl with a thin cane.]]

[The old man] [[hit] [the young girl {with a thin cane}.]]

[The old man] [[hit] [the young girl] {/with/ a thin cane}.]]

... and so on.

  • could you give me a name for one of those systems of analysis?
    – meireikei
    Commented Nov 4, 2014 at 18:53
  • @meirekei - Sorry, I can't. This is not my field. Doubtless somebody else will come along soon with some labels.
    – tunny
    Commented Nov 4, 2014 at 19:27
  • This is almost a good answer. The example is divided into constituents differently, depending on its interpretation (regardless of what system of analysis is used). If "with a thin cane" helps identify which girl is meant, then "the young girl with a thin cane" is a constituent. But if "with a thin cane" tells what instrument was used to hit her, instead, "hit the young girl with a thin cane" is a constituent. So the answer to the question is no, there is not always one unique way of dividing a sentence into parts.
    – Greg Lee
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 3:52

The answer to your question is decidedly NO -- there is not always a unique way to partition a sentence into its constituents -- and this is so however one defines "constituent." This is so because some sentences are inherently ambiguous: they have more than one syntactic reading, and so can be represented by different sets of constituents. The example used in the other answer is a case in point: "The old man hit the girl with a cane."

The ambiguity: did the man have the cane or did the girl? This is not specified in the sentence. (We may happen to know the answer, but it does not come from syntactic information. It might be found elsewhere in the discourse, or it might be based on our pragmatic knowledge -- old men are more likely to have canes than girls, etc. -- but it is not coded in this sentence itself.)

Two classic kinds of syntactic theories are phrase-structure grammars (PSG) and dependency grammars (DG). Both represent the sentence as a tree. In PSG, the internal nodes of the tree name "constituents", and one leaf of the tree corresponds to one word in the sentence. In DG each node in the tree corresponds to a word in the sentence, and we say that each node "depends" on its immediate parent node (i.e., the child depends on its parent).

Constituents: we must define what we mean by that -- the more appropriate way to analyze the sentence is a tree. Given a tree, we can speak of constituents by equating the notion of a constituent with the notion of a subtree. So if we say that each subtree forms one constituent, then your question makes sense.

Finally, note, that constituents are always nested, so your picture is oversimplified --- it shows no nesting.

Now, independently of y/our preferred theory, one could see our example as having constituents:

A. [ The old man ]    [ hit   [ the girl [ with a cane ] ]   ].


B. [ The old man ]    [ hit   [ the girl ]   [ with a cane ]   ].

In A, [ with a cane ] modifies the GIRL (e.g., in DP terms, it depends on the node GIRL). It tells us which girl was hit: the one with the cane, and not the one with the ice-cream.

In B, [ with a cane ] modifies HIT (in DP terms, it depends on HIT), and tells us exactly how she was hit: with a cane, and not with an oxygen bag.

This kind of ambiguity (and many others) is what makes analysis of natural language challenging --- not so for computer languages, where ambiguity is absent by design.

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