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3 answers

Are the vast majority of Ukrainians more proficient in Russian than Ukrainian?

An answer to a different question pointed out that the vast majority of search engine queries coming from Ukraine, before the invasion, seemed to be in Russian. That was despite the fact that the ...
MWB's user avatar
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Term for conversation where each person speaks a different language, while understanding each other

I would like to know if there is a technical (or common) term for the type of bilingual (or multilingual) conversation described in the title. For example, one person could be speaking French, while ...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do natively bilingual people have accents in one or both of their languages?

Do people who grew up speaking multiple languages typically have a discernible foreign accent in one or more of their primary languages? Also do they tend to make the kinds of mistakes that non-...
MWB's user avatar
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Is it possible to not only lose/gain an accent, but also lose some fluency in native language? [duplicate]

Pardon the awkward phrasing in the title, but I am essentially wondering about the following scenario. A person, Alice, grows up bilingual, speaking languages A and B. She lives in a country C in ...
Derek Allums's user avatar
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Reasons for code switching absence

In bilingual regions often there's a phenomenon known as code switching, when people swap codes when confronted with a person that uses a different language of their own, even when both people are ...
Pedro Montoto García's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Determining my native language

The other day I was filling out a form where I had to state my native language and I simply couldn't seem to find an answer to that question. I guess it had never come across me, but I simply had ...
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