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Questions tagged [catalan]

For questions concerning the Catalan language, a Romance language spoken in North-East Spain, Andorra, and Alghero (Sardinia, Italy).

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4 votes
1 answer

Why does the "passat perifràstic" use "anar" as an auxiliary?

In all other romance languages, to go + infinitive means that the action will happen in a near future, which makes sense intuitively, because metaphorically, we move toward an event which has not ...
Boiethios's user avatar
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0 answers

How Italian "dito" was derived from Latin DĬGĬTU(M)?

I'm trying to figure out which phenomena may be involved in the development of Italian "dito" from Latin DĬGĬTU(M). I think one of them may be a loss of intervocalic -G-, as explained in ...
Charo's user avatar
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2 answers

How did these first person plural pronouns come to be in Catalan?

I recently saw this image comparing different first person plural masc. pronouns to Pokémon. For reference the pronouns listed are Nosaltres (Cat. Central) Natros (Tortosí) Moatros (Val. Central) ...
Sriotchilism O'Zaic's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

On the etymology of Balearic Catalan personal articles "en/na"

Catalan (like certain regional dialects of Spanish and Italian) uses definite articles before proper names: El Pere ha arribat tard aquest matí. La Maria ha arribat tard també. In eastern (Balearic) ...
iacobo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are there any corpora of informal and unstructured text labelled for Named Entity Recognition?

I have been searching since last week for annotated informal texts (with a lot of misspelled words, slang, etc.) to test some Named Entity Recognition tools for research purposes. For example, it ...
KeyPi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Pronunciation of Fermat in Gascon/Occitan

A math professor mentioned that the final segment of Fermat's name would probably have been pronounced [t] because of "where he was from." She didn't clarify further but I looked up where he's from ...
ubadub's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Catalan assimilation of 's' /s/ → [ʃ] after palatal consonants 'ny' /ɲ/ and 'll' /ʎ/

Question I've noticed a phenomenon in (Central) Catalan speech that I had seen no mention of when studying the language. In words with a final -nys or -lls, the s is assimilated and becomes palatal [ʃ]...
iacobo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why is the process of word-final non-continuant deletion and nasal assimilation in Catalan opaque?

Catalan has a process whereby word-final non-continuants undergo deletion and nasal assimilation. For example /ben+k/ surfaces as [beŋ] 'I sell'. Why is this relation opaque? Note: I found this ...
Danger Fourpence's user avatar