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Questions tagged [dictionary]

A collection of words in (a) specific language(s), often containing usage information.

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4 votes
1 answer

Why do dictionaries use non-standard IPA symbols

"ɛə̯" or "ɛə" can be written as "ea" "ɛː" "ɛ" and "ɛə" in various dictionaries. I don't see the value as they aren't fixing the non-intuitive nature of ...
user2617804's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any free, single-word wordlist with CLAWS7 part-of-speech tags?

I am looking for a wordlist which includes single-word entries and their part-of-speech tags in UCREL CLAWS7 format. The list must be comprised of scientifically collected data, for example words ...
Muckee's user avatar
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Does anyone knows a work on Mongolian loanwords in Turkic languages?

Especially in Western branch of Turkic languages.
me and's user avatar
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Are there any equivalent of in Arabic?

I am looking for a website that is equivalent of In oxforddictionaries, you see it gives all of the meanings of a word with example sentences Are ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can anyone recommend a good, free, and online Greek-to-English dictionary? [closed]

A translation service is not being requested in the question since they provide word-to-word mappings instead of word-to-meaning explanations. The dictionary may optionally render the Greek word with ...
Noctis Skytower's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dictionaries with binary semantic features

In lexical semantics, a lot of meaning in individual words, the concept behind the utterance, is captured in ontological relations: is-like for synonymy, is-a for a hypernym hierarchy. But this doesn'...
Mitch's user avatar
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4 answers

Any free, good and extensive word lists for languages other than English?

After considerable search on the Internet, I found a free, good and extensive word list for English that IMHO contains all words (nouns and verbs with their endings as separate entries) one would ever ...
Mok-Kong Shen's user avatar
2 votes
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Financial Slang and NLP for Sentiment Analysis

I am working on a Sentiment-Analysis/Opinion-Mining of Tweets, focused on Finance related tweets. One of the biggest issue I am facing is the unability of my algorithm to detect equivalent entities (...
ylnor's user avatar
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Is there a name for this idea relating to word abstractness/complexity based on dictionary definition self-reference?

First, let me give the caveat that I have never taken a linguistics class, nor read a linguistics book. I am coming from a degree in math. Please give your answers at a level I can understand. There'...
abnry's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
1 answer

List of English words with usage samples

For my learning tool project I need a free English word list with the usage sample of each word and/or its definition. For example: /word/ Apple /phrase/ This apples are big and red. /definition/ ...
gleb.kudr's user avatar
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Is there a programmatically accessible/structured (JSON, XML, etc) dictionary that includes IPA

Thus far I have the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, which uses a custom set of phonemes represented in ASCII text. Just the words and pronunciations is nice, but it would be great to have actual IPA ...
David Michaels's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Looking for a list of English words that are morphologically similar, semantically different? [closed]

I need a list of English words that are morphologically similar, but when it comes to meaning, they should be completely different.
talha06's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Dictionary used by WordNet for word senses

What dictionary does WordNet use for the various senses it lists for each word?
Neal Goldfarb's user avatar
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an open source lexicographical framework

I am looking for a lightweight open source framework for lexicographical experiments: building vocabularies, converting from one type to another, merging, dealing with multilingual issues, ... google ...
nsb's user avatar
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French Pronunciation Dictionary

Is there a French pronunciation dictionary on the web like CMU English dictionary? Thanks.
fatihk's user avatar
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Where can I find free dictionaries for various languages? [closed]

Inspired by this xkcd comic, I'm trying to write a computer program that can generate random sentences to be used as pass phrases. However, I think that the pass phrases might be easier to remember if ...
hugomg's user avatar
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4 answers

How many of all possible English words are actually in use (have meaning)?

If we consider that there are phonological observations as to what is an English word and what probably isn't, one could come up with a dictionary of "all possible" English words, i.e. all words that ...
tmh's user avatar
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Does Merriam Webster dictionary list word senses based on their historical occurrence?

I have noticed that, unlike other dictionaries, MW seems to list word senses based on the order they have appeared throughout history. Was this just a coincidence, or is this true for MW.
modarwish's user avatar
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dictionary with the smallest number of circularly defined words

Motivation: words in a dictionary are defined in terms of other words, but at some point it becomes circular: words defined by other words that have also been defined using some of the same words. ...
Hugh Mungus's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Online etymology dictionaries for French, beyond CNTRL?

Are there etymology dictionaries for French available on the Internet? To wit, what's a French equivalent of I already know about TLF informatisé (TLFi), but often, it does ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Any suggestion for Classical Arabic language online dictionary or PDF?

Can anybody suggest me the websites or PDFs from where I can get the meaning and etymology of Classical Arabic terms or any online dictionary of Classical Arabic language or any PDF of that dictionary?...
Sumit Roy's user avatar
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2 answers

Should common short words be left out of a concordance?

I'm writing a program which will be designed to take a text file, and parse all the words into a Concordance, e.g., a sort of dictionary list of all the words sorted in order, with a total count of ...
Phrancis's user avatar
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Early Modern English spelling variations dictionary

I am building a web application that allows users to transcribe, word by word, Early Modern English manuscripts. I want to tell users when a word they transcribed may be a new spelling variant of ...
U r s u s's user avatar
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Making a balanced word list systematically using COCA and CMUdict

I am trying to find words in English that mirror the conditioning environments for spirantization of /b, d, g/ in Spanish. I am balancing for proceeding phone, lexical stress, word-internal vs. word-...
axme100's user avatar
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What electronic resources are available that categorize nouns by countability?

Most electronic dictionaries I've found only categorize words into noun / verb / adjective / adverb / etc. (such as WordNet). They don't further refine parts of speech into subcategories like count/...
MrMcPlad's user avatar
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Old Norse: Noun declension gen. sg. -s or -ar?

I am using A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic and An Introduction to Old Norse (by E. V. Gordon) as my resoources. In An Introduction, it is said that: Some nouns declined otherwise as ...
hello all's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What's the largest dictionary in the world?

I'm curious to know: what is the largest dictionary in the world? The English and Malgache Wiktionaries are surely not far off with 3.8M and 3.5M entries but I found a blog post talking about a ...
the's user avatar
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German/Swedish dictionary to download as a text file

I am looking for a dictionary that I can download as a text file which specifies the grammatical gender of nouns in both languages. Basically, I would like something like:
laligu's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Help me find an early Old Norse dictionary (or even a grammar)

For some time I've been looking for a dictionary of Old Norse that reflects an early situation in the language; this kind of resource has been amazingly hard to find, for some reason. Most ...
Darkgamma's user avatar
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Online Modern Greek dictionary that puts imperfective and ("dependent") perfective verb stems together?

Does anyone know of a good online Modern Greek dictionary that puts imperfective and perfective (also called "dependent") verb stems together? For instance, the present perfective of βλέπω /'vlepo/ "...
Owen_AR's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an open source English dictionary that isn't too fine-grained in defining a word?

I'm creating a multilingual online dictionary and I need an open source English dictionary to work off of. Wordnet is the obvious choice, as it's extremely complete and its license is permissive of ...
Matt Fisher's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Online etymology dictionary for Latin

Is there an etymology dictionary for Latin that is available on the Internet? For example, I know of, which is a great resource for English etymology, but I have not been able ...
sashoalm's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a good way to represent data in a multilingual dictionary? Wordnet alternatives or extensions?

I'm not a linguist so forgive my misuse of terminology... I'm looking for a data structure to represent dictionary entries. A dictionary would have words translated to other languages along with links ...
yǝsʞǝla's user avatar
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What are the advantages of using a morpheme-based dictionary in a speech recognition system?

What are the advantages of using a morphologically-based / lemma-based dictionary in a speech recognition system as opposed to a dictionary of 'Orthography' + 'transcription' or other types (which I ...
kearly's user avatar
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Dictionary with real IPA and English sandhi rules?

I don't like English dictionaries that use pseudo-IPA to indicate pronunciation. I've seen none indicating that most plosives should be aspirated, but when they're in "sp", "st" and other combinations ...
Joe Pineda's user avatar
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How did a logographic orthography like Chinese organize its word-stock before any type of phonetic notation?

Let's say you were to to pick up a dictionary and look up a word in Chinese before the advent of any type of phonetic notation system such as Pinyin or Bopomofo. How would words in that dictionary be ...
RECURSIVE FARTS's user avatar
1 vote
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Pronunciation Dictionary for Portuguese

Is there any comprehensive pronunciation dictionary for Portoguese language like CMU dictionary for English? Thanks.
fatihk's user avatar
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1 answer

How can a multi-language dictionary be made? [closed]

Let's pretend we are producing four-language cross-dictionary. To be more difficult, let it be a Russian-English-Japanese-Sanskrit dictionary. By "cross-dictionary" I mean that the person using it ...
hijarian's user avatar
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How to explore the meaning of a concept (like "friendship")?

I am trying to extract all components ("atoms") of meaning of the concept "friendship" in a certain language (actually in Russian). By components of meaning I mean, for example: "girl"="human"+"female"...
Alex.rft's user avatar
9 votes
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How are dictionaries produced

What are the steps invoked in producing a dictionary? I am primarily interested in understanding the role software plays in the production process. Obviously a corpus for the language is first ...
Baz's user avatar
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How is the dependency of corpus size and observed ngrams?

I would like to know how the relation of corpus size to observed ngrams is(especially unigrams). Since the word frequency follows a Zipf distribution, i would expect some kind of logarithmic relation ...
kutschkem's user avatar
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Dictionaries for machine translation

I am doing research on machine translation in prolog and I am wondering if there are any suitable dictionaries available in text/xml format for machine translation. With suitable for machine ...
Mark's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Sumerian cuneiform dictionary?

Is there a single, unified place where one can look up cuneiform signs for Sumerian words? Unicode now supports cuneiform, but every source I've found has only transliterations, not actual cuneiform. ...
Joe's user avatar
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Looking for bi-/tri-lingual dictionaries or corpora

I will be attempting to solve the problem of automatic language identification/detection (and later translation), and I'm in a need of free digital dictionaries or corpora. I'm looking for ...
Howie's user avatar
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Tool for finding recombinations of syllables that yield words

(I know that the title of this question is quite opaque, but I'm having a hard time explaining what I'm looking for. Perhaps someone can help with that.) I need a tool which can take a collection of ...
lapropriu's user avatar
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1 answer

How are meanings of a word ordered in a dictionary?

What base does use for its hierarchy of meanings of a word? For example see Are top levels (numbered list) all homonyms? What structure do ...
Real Dreams's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What word has the most valid meanings, across multiple different languages? (interlingual homographs) [closed]

What word is valid across the largest number of different languages, and as different part-of-speech? (The precise term is interlingual homographs/heteronyms/polysemes) Examples: 'rate' is both ...
smci's user avatar
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2 answers

A comprehensive list of conceptual metaphors

Is there a comprehensive list of conceptual metaphors? (Either man-made, crowdsourced or based on data-mining / corpora analysis.) By a conceptual metaphor I mean a relation in the spirit of George ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Are there dictionaries like Collins COBUILD for other languages than English? [closed]

Let me explain what I'm after: monolingual all examples are taken from a large corpus of contemporary text (the COBUILD series is now using Bank of English) the senses for each entry are sorted by ...