Questions tagged [discourse-analysis]

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0 votes
1 answer

Quantative and statistical data in Critical Discourse Analysis

In the context of my thesis, I am applying Norman Fairclough's 3-stage model of textual analysis to a corpus of governmental documents I have collected. I want to prove the existence of ideology ...
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Appropriate model of Critical Discourse Analysis

I am preparing my PhD thesis in Applied Linguistics. I have created a corpus of governmental administrative documents and I want to prove the existence of ideology behind some specific linguistic ...
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Is this free indirect speech?

The next morning, when the alarm went off, he wanted to keep his eyes closed and keep on with the dream he was having. Something about a farmhouse. And there was a waterfall in there, too. Someone, he ...
1 vote
0 answers

The concept of "taking turn" in Fairclough's (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis

I am currently reading Fairclough's (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as a supplement to my research, that is, corpus-based CDA on nominal collocations in Russian news corpus. I am trying to ...
9 votes
3 answers

In which situations or societies do people not take turns to speak in conversations?

When reading the chapter about discourse analysis in George Yule's The Study of Language, I came across the following statement about conversation: Typically, only one person speaks at a time and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Corpus Linguistics Major [closed]

I want to use corpus in my MA research, but I have a large problem; how can I analyze the data? Do I use software corpora or corpus such as BNC? I know it is according to my research question, but ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How could you study “cultural differences” using corpora? [closed]

Anyone who’s traveled has come upon a sense of there being some “cultural differences”, but my mind is always seeking to systematize things, and I’ve wondered if there is a better way to collect tons ...
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What are the tenets of Relevance Theory?

What are the elements upon which one can base to process a speech with relevance theory? I've been reading but I couldn't find an answer to this question. I take the example of the Speech act Theory ...
1 vote
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What is the use of Critical Discourse Analysis Theory?

Can Critical Discourse Analysis be used to analyse the speech acts in a given Speech, and simply interpret the different orientations that those Speech acts impose upon that Speech (like joy, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there any difference between Discourse Analysis and critical discourse analysis?

I would like to know if Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis are two distinctive theories or are the same. If distinctive, what is the main point that distinguishes them.
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2 answers

Looking for a theory

I am working on selected speeches of a politician. In the work, I would like to show in which way these speeche create emotion and hope, through the speech acts which are used. Apart from the speech ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any formal notion of how presenting an ontology causes people to think within that ontology?

I am considering a notion called a “frame”. The idea is that sometimes people make assertions about something - anything in the world - and to analyze the effect of that statement, it’s less important ...
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What is it called when an argumentative yes-or-no question has different meanings depending on the answer?

I'm wondering if there's a word for this specific type of informal fallacy. An example of such a question is "Do black lives matter?", where the questioner specifies the literalness of the ...
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Quantifier clause in Heim's presupposition theory

there is a point in a paper by Irene Heim related to problems with presuppositions in complex sentences that I do not properly get. The article is the following:
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any method to summarize and gain the big picture from an article?

Background Recently I just develop a method to summarize and find the big picture of an article, especially the ones that are so abstract and introduce too many new terms. The method is as follow: ...
6 votes
2 answers

What other languages, apart from Latin, mix elements from different syntactic constituents? And why mixing?

Latin has a curious syntactic possibility, which is mixing elements from different constituents, like in the sentence Mors et vita duello conflixere mirando which is translated by Wiktionary as ...
0 votes
2 answers

Are there corpora which tag phrases by discourse- or conversational-function?

More generally, imagine a corpus which could identify the conversational function of a sentence, such as, "Have a nice day!", in narrow categories like, "ending a conversation", or broad ones like "...
3 votes
1 answer

Finding a classroom transcript (for discourse analysis)

I am writing an R package and am in need of a discourse data set (a classroom transcript) that I can publicly include. Quantitative data sets are a dime a dozen but getting a hold of a classroom (...
1 vote
1 answer

Do some communities prefer indirect discourses to direct discourses?

Jamaliah Mohd. Ali, in her research paper, says, "the use of indirectness in communication is an important aspect of Malay community life because one of its main intentions is conflict avoidance" (...
2 votes
2 answers

Words that signal future content

Some content words signal that future content will likely follow. The words seem to act as a typing system for instances of the content. For example: "I have an idea." --> one expects the idea to ...
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1 answer

Need an online freely available Anaphorically Annotated Corpus of English Language for Identification of Discourse Units

I'm in need of a freely available corpus of English language (which may contain text of any genre) but has to be annotated anaphoriacally i-e. Anaphora resolution should have been performed already. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Different discounting methods with SRILM toolikt

I want to do some smoothing on a corpus and compare the results. for train language model without smoothing I used "-addsmooth 0" option now I should add two different smoothing and compare them, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Detect egoistical emotion [closed]

I'm working on sentiment analysis and currently struggling with egoistical emotion detection on a phrase level. So far, I detect the following phrases: "I'm the best" "I'm rich/powerful/beautiful/...
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0 answers

Software for finding syllogisms in treebank data?

Is there treebank search software that can locate a syllogism, identifying its major and minor premises and terms? cf. Eyal Mozes, “A Deductive Database Based on Aristotelian Logic,” Journal of ...
1 vote
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Discourse/Rhetorical structure in poetic writings

There are several taxonomies for describing relations between rhetorical/discourse components in prose text (PDTB, RST, etc). Has anyone tried to describe the sort of relationships between elements ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is ending a sentence with a possessive considered informal? [closed]

Does corpora show any genre preferences for ending sentences with a nominal possessive? Does it occur more in spoken and informal written texts than in academic texts? I really appreciate your input.
5 votes
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Which method measures the degree of disagreement in online comments?

I am researching Fake News as a topic at my university. Right now, I am searching for some literature in which a method for measuring the degree of disagreement in an online comment setting (Facebook, ...
1 vote
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Terminology for a phrase that changes meaning over time within a closed community

I am looking for the linguistic terminology for the phenomenon of semantic change in a discourse within a closed community. This closed community could be a couple, a company etc. For example, ...
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Is there a term generalizing a pragmatics utterance and a body or facial gesture?

What is called in pragmatics an utterance, and what is called a body gesture or a facial gesture, are all acts of communication. Is there any term in any context or discipline, that unites these ...
3 votes
1 answer

Speech acts theory: (il)Locutionary acts

I have read popular text books on this topic and watched several lectures but still I don't understand what are Locutionary and Illocutionary act (and verbs). In general how do you identify this verbs?...
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1 answer

What linguistic key terms are necessary to be understood in order to understand the idea behind discourse analysis? [closed]

I was asked to get an understanding for what discourse analysis is. As for now, this terms has no meaning to me at all, I've tried to read about the concept in different off-and online encyclopedias, ...
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1 answer

Investigating the relevance maxim [closed]

Is the speaker relevant to the conversation in these situations (as per the title, I'm investigating the relevant maxim in these situations): Situation 1: BARBARA: I. I guess I'm just sort of not ...
3 votes
3 answers

Can words like 'always' and 'never' be used to determine sentences inherently wrong?

This subject itself is difficult to google, so I apologize beforehand for the hundreds of links I'm sure are hidden somewhere. This question was moved from the philosophy site as they told me that it ...
11 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between coreference resolution and anaphora resolution?

Is there any difference between coreference resolution and anaphora resolution? More generally, what is the difference between coreferences and anaphoras?
2 votes
1 answer

Which linguistic terms, concepts, theories are particularly associated with narrative writing?

Sure, it is obvious, narrative writing is a subject of linguistics. Nevertheless, the many topics I browsed through in this site randomly very seldom dealt with narrative structures and processes, it ...
2 votes
0 answers

Toulmin model of argumentation

I am studying the Toulmin model of argumentation to use it in the analysis of Presidential debates. I have tried to read many sources, but I couldn't really find an exact answer about which part ...
2 votes
1 answer

If we can talk of "speech error", what do we call "narration error"?

Try as I might, I cannot find a term that technically describes errors in re-telling a story, sometimes known as Chinese whispers or by other similarly idiomatic expressions. I would have thought "...
6 votes
1 answer

Discourse analysis of Japanese particles?

Have there been any English language attempts (preferably readily-available) to define Japanese particles from the perspective of discourse analysis? Some of the things I would be interested to see ...
3 votes
1 answer

Alternatives to the Perfect Aspect

In English and (at least a portion of) other Indo-European languages the perfect aspect's foremost role is that of a discourse marker, marking prior events (or events beginning in the past and ...
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1 answer

How to appropriately format a research paper in pragmatics for applying to a master's program? [closed]

Dear fellow linguists, I am just an enthusiastic undergraduate student applying for a MA in Applied Linguistic. I have a couple of questions and I need some advice from those of you who are 'in the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Linguistics, a discipline or a field?

This is a two-fold level questions. Question about linguistics from the view point of linguistics. I am interested whether linguistics is a field of science/research or is it a discipline? The next ...
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1 answer

measuring relative importance/social proximity of an addressee based on length of written explanation in letters with multiple addressees

I have a corpus of personal letters in which writers explain a tough decision to multiple addressees, each in its own section/paragraph of the letter (for the most part). I wonder if anybody has ...
4 votes
2 answers

Cohesive vs. coherent

Is the following sentence cohesive or coherent? Or both? Ali loves fish. He lives in the north. It might be of interest that cities are next to the sea in the north.