Questions tagged [information-structure]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What does information-status mean in linguistics?

The phrase information-status is used repdeatly in the article "Definiteness and Information-status in Hindi", Baldridge, 1996, but what does it mean? Could someone explain it simply/ say ...
tryst with freedom's user avatar
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Left Dislocated Topics that Correspond to Foci

Can a topic ever correspond to a focus? In the sentence below, the left dislocated topic is the antecedent of the resumptive pronoun she, but she is in focus. 'Mary, SHE ate my cake!' Context: I know ...
Morphosyntax's user avatar
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Sentence to AST structures?

How can we distinguish the meaning from POS,words,form..or any other information.. f.e. the cube is **in** the box the sign splits a rule **in** two parts in the first case the meaning is ...
sten's user avatar
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