Questions tagged [morphosyntactic-alignment]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Languages with direct-inverse verbal inflection or hierarchical alignment but no verbal inflection for person

Some languages have direct-inverse marking on verbs or hierarchical alignment. I'm wondering whether there are any attested examples of minimal direct-inverse systems where the verb is obligatorily ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Does Subject vs Object matter in languages with ergative absolutive marking

If a language has an ergative absolutive alignment in which subjects and objects of clauses are marked for absolutive marking does the distinction between subject and object ever get difficult to ...
Alex's user avatar
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Direct–inverse marking on the noun, or the possiblity of inverse alignment

A direct-inverse language, Wikipedia claims, is one which involve[s] different grammar for transitive predications according to the relative positions of their "subject" and their "object" on a ...
Widdershins's user avatar