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Questions tagged [polysemy]

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4 votes
2 answers

Is there any synchronic difference between homonymy and polysemy?

Is there any synchronic difference between homonymy and polysemy? As a literate English speaker, I can usually tell when words that are pronounced identically have different etymologies thanks ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
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3 answers

How far ahead we look when parsing and understanding text

Part of trying to understand how we mentally parse and understand text requires understanding how far ahead we look, which is what this question is about. I'm wondering how we understand how to ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Dimensional reduction with synonomy and polysemy

I was wondering something for a computer science project I am doing. Documents usually have too many distinct words to process on a computer efficiently. One solution is to map all words to a single ...
Sidd Singal's user avatar
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How polysemic on average were Chinese words around the time of the creation of Chinese characters?

If you look up a Chinese character and its meaning in classical Chinese, there is a good chance you get a long list with many different semantically unrelated meanings. Take 而 for instance, that bears ...
meireikei's user avatar
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What's the name for a word/meaning pair of a polysemous word?

Is there a name use to describe tuples of the form (word, meaning)? Example: ("wood", the material made from trees) ("wood", a geographical area with many trees) In this case we ...
pseudosudo's user avatar
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1 answer

In case of Derivational nouns, what is the difference between affix polysemy and affix homonymy?

For derivational nouns, if we look at various properties of affixes, I understand they exhibit both affix polysemy and affix homonymy. By polysemy I understand that the the same affix is used in ...
Amrith's user avatar
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To lose one's head - is it a metaphor or metonymy? Head here probably stands for the life of a person,so it's probably a metonymy? And is it the same for phrase to give smb. a heart ?
Study.English.Well's user avatar
2 votes
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Version of WordNet with reduced polysemy?

WordNet fails to distinguish homographs from polysemes; for my use (related to machine translation), I want to collapse polysemes while maintaining homographs. This idea is not new (eg., Reducing ...
Phil Mitchell's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Difference between polysemes and senses

As far as I understand, saying that two words are polysemes is saying they're synonymous homonyms, but not synonymous enough to be the same word. Senses on the other hand, are synonymous enough to be ...
user110391's user avatar
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0 answers

How can the polysemy of the Polish instrumental case be explained?

If the instrumental case in Polish is used to designate the tool with which an action, or state of being, is being performed/is, how is it that the instrumental is also used to express time and ...
FMB's user avatar
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Can 'syntactic structure' be 'polysemous'?

This question has been asked before (here is the link phonological ambiguity). In relation to this question, I came across some data in which two different syntactic structures (with the same ...
Tsutsu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Natural Language Processing Meta-Super-Dictionary

The end goal of asking this question is to find a big (probably several hundred petabyte) data file expressing the meanings of words based on their interactions with other word in as many languages as ...
Jack G's user avatar
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