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Scientific sources/ literature regarding (spanish) speech rate

I'm interested in scientific sources or literature regarding speech rate/ tempo of speech of the Spanish language. Do you know any? Specifically, I'm looking for sources that compare the speech rate ...
Olive's user avatar
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Online collection of the world languages' melodic patterns?

Every language has some very typical melodic patterns and I've been wondering is there some sort of a global repository collecting and comparing such patterns?
drabsv's user avatar
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looking for corpus of dialogue recording in appointment between doctors and patients

I am looking for a public corpus of dialogue recording in short/medium appointment between doctors and patients, aims to study speech variation, the prosody of speech, measuring speech' rhythm, ...
Andy.Jian's user avatar
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Accents resources?

What are some good beginner's introductions to accents? In English (accents, I mean, generally; but English sites or books)? At this moment I'm primarily interested in accents on the level of the ...
user2921960's user avatar