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Is it accurate to claim that autosegmental phonology is a theory of suprasegmental prosodic phenomena?

I'm a little unclear on what autosegmental phonology is vis-a-vis suprasegmentals. Although I understand the nuts-and-bolts of autosegmental phonology, it is not clear to me if it negates a division ...
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Is vowel harmony prosodic, suprasegmental, or both?

I read that the division between suprasegments and segments is not black and white. I take this claim to have two logical entailments: There are prosodic features that are segmental. For example, ...
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How are Tone and Intonation languages different acoustically?

On what aspects Tonal languages differ from Intonation languages when analyzing them acoustically? On intonation and tone: Jones (1960) - "the variations which take place in the pitch of the ...
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