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Are recasts a hotter research topic than prompts in SLA? If so, why?

It seems that much research concerning corrective feedback in SLA is assuming a recasts-prompts dichotomy, and researchers are willing to further examine recasts in terms of implicitness/explicitness. ...
Clay's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is ending a sentence with a possessive considered informal? [closed]

Does corpora show any genre preferences for ending sentences with a nominal possessive? Does it occur more in spoken and informal written texts than in academic texts? I really appreciate your input.
Eman 's user avatar
8 votes
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How come I cannot get my "oral" English to a native speaker level after 25 years of trying?

I was born in Russia and moved to the US at the adolescent and prepubescent age of 12. Before my relocation to the US I had never really been exposed to the English language at large, and after my ...
user74809's user avatar
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