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Questions tagged [sentences]

A sentence is a grammatical unit that is composed of one or more clauses or of written texts delimited by upper case letters and markers such as . , ? and ! .

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9 votes
3 answers

Tools to annotate (categorise) sentences from a sentence corpus

I have a corpus consisting of sentences that are to be categorised in order to train a text categorisation algorithm. I am looking for a (preferably web-based) tool that: Allows me to input a list ...
Hbf's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Complex sentence without a subordinating conjunction?

Here's the sentence that's been confusing me: Compared to dogs, cats showed more enthusiasm. I feel this should be a complex sentence because there's one independent clause and one dependent ...
Chthonic Project's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why do so many grammars divide a clause into Subject and Verb instead of Subject and Predicative?

I used to start learning a few languages, admittingly my interest ,stamina and brain force didn't last for more than a couple of days each. Nethertheless, I noticed , that the different grammars ...
Abdul Al Hazred's user avatar