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Scientific sources/ literature regarding (spanish) speech rate

I'm interested in scientific sources or literature regarding speech rate/ tempo of speech of the Spanish language. Do you know any? Specifically, I'm looking for sources that compare the speech rate ...
Olive's user avatar
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Where can I find a set of Spanish-English comparable texts? ***(Not translations)***

This is my very first post, I hope I'm making myself clear. What I'm asking for is a set of texts that are equivalent in both languages in terms of difficulty, word frequency and register (i.e. two ...
TurleNOOB's user avatar
4 votes
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Looking for Spanish email or chat corpora

I am looking for some corpora containing emails or chats in Spanish.
Yanina Kolotilova's user avatar
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Get "part of speech" for a Spanish word

I do a little linguistics as a hobby while working of my own software development projects. I am wondering if there is a database or online api where I can easily establish the possible "parts of ...
Baz's user avatar
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N-gram translations from Spanish to English

I have a large list of n-grams for spoken Spanish. I wish to establish for each n-grams whether or not it represents something idiomatic (phrasal verb, idiom etc.) or not. For example, these are ...
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Searching for a Spanish word list for statistical analysis [closed]

I need a Spanish word list, as simple as that. The more complete it is, the better, it should contain as many words as to be a statistically relevant sample. It can be in any format: XML, MS Excel, ....
Petruza's user avatar
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