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Formal syntax and semantics for Turkish

as a student of linguistics and admirer of Turkish, I wondered whether there are good introductory books for formal syntax and (Montague) semantics for Turkish. Thanks in advance!
pahohu's user avatar
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Data on causatives in Russian and Turkish needed!

I'm working on a comparative syntactic project on the notion 'causative', either morphologically marked or non-marked. References like Haspelmath (1987) provide some (brief) data on the notion of ...
Tsutsu's user avatar
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Can causative and anticausative co-occur in Turkish verbal morphology?

Turkish makes use of two valency markers: (i) the causative marker with 'tur' which increases valency in (1) below, and (ii) the anticausative marker 'il' which decreases valency as in (2) below. (1)...
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Co-occurence of different participles in Turkish relative clause structures

Turkish has two different suffixes for relative clauses. The difference is due to the subjectivity in relative clause. In other words; if it defines a subjective, it is constructed with the suffix -En;...
Serpil Karabüklü's user avatar