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Questions tagged [toponomastics]

The study of place names, a discipline within _Onomastics_

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What worldwide topographical etymology dictionaries exist?

What worldwide topographical etymology dictionaries exist?
HungarianMan's user avatar
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Is there a word/concept for a word that denotes a place but is not a proper name?

Is there a word/concept for a word that denotes a place but is not a proper name? As far as I understand toponyms are always proper nouns, so words such as "area", "playground", &...
Finn Årup Nielsen's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is there evidence of a place name originating from an abbreviation or acronym?

I was thinking about the city of Los Angeles and how I rarely refer to it by its full name but rather its abbreviation, LA. It doesn't seem unbelievable to me that, in a mostly illeterate society, ...
J J Grimes's user avatar
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"Dexenoethnic exonyms": typological studies, references and/or resources?

By "dexenoethnic exonym" (my own coinage for the purpose of this particular question) I mean an ethnonym/glottonym derived from a name originally applied to a (language of a) different ethnic group, ...
Pavel Jetušek's user avatar
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What is the origin and meaning of the word/name "Idora"? (Shortened)

I have been researching the word "Idora" for a couple years now in hopes of discovering the meaning as it applies to the defunct trolley park "Idora Park" formerly in Youngstown, Ohio. "Idora Park" ...
Jim Zarbaugh's user avatar
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Why is "h" of "-ham" dropped in English place names?

In English, "h" in suffix "-ham" (originated from Old English "home") are skipped when pronouncing so "-ham" sound like "-am". Examples are "Fulham", "Tottenham" etc etc. My question is what causes ...
Francis's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

German Place Names ending in -AU

I recently traveled in Bavaria. I was struck by the prevalence of place names ending in -au, like Donau, Passau, Oberammergau, and Dachau... I looked up the dictionary, and found the word aue which ...
ian tarnbis's user avatar
9 votes
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Morphology of proper names

I'm wondering if there are any general morphological properties of proper names. If a word is used as a name, it will be constrained by whatever syntactic constraints that language uses from proper ...
Niedfaru's user avatar