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Are there traces of Old Turkish in ancient Germanic languages?

The question is quite clear and understandable as in the title. Are there traces of Old Turkish in ancient Germanic languages? Or traces of Germanic in Old Turkish?
Sami Bülbül's user avatar
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What's the relation between Germanic suffixes -ly, -lich, -lijk, ... and Turkic suffixes -lik -liq

What's the relation between Germanic adjectival/adverbial suffixes -ly, -lich, -lijk, ... and Turkic suffixes -lik -liq that convert nouns/adjectives to nouns
QED's user avatar
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The reason for similarity of Turkic "min" and latin "mille", Turkic "dil" and dutch "taal"?

What's the linguistic relation between the Turkic words bin or min and Latin word mille meaning thousand Turkic dil and dutch taal meaninge language?
user2045's user avatar