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Questions tagged [voicing]

a property of speech sounds that arises by vibration of the vocal folds. For example, the "s" sound in English "zoom" is voiced, but the "s" in "sea" is voiceless.

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Are there Tai languages (or Tai-Kadai) which have a voiced velar stop phoneme?

Thai and Lao each have three series of stops, unvoiced unaspirated, aspirated, and voiced. For labials and alveolars, all three exist, but for velars there is no voiced stop. Is this the case for ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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What is the nature of the (voiceless) aspirated "m" in Hmong?

Hmong is a dialect continuum spoken across several countries in Southeast Asia. One prominent characteristic is the "aspirated m" (IPA m̥ or mʰ) found in some varieties. This is the reason behind the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
  • 14.8k
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I'm looking for a praat script that measures the voiced portion of a consonant closure marked in a textgrid

Does anyone have or know of a praat script that can measure the voiced portion of segments that are marked on a textgrid in praat? Like, say I had a conversation and I had every /d/ spoken in that ...
HelplessLinguist's user avatar