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Questions tagged [words]

a word is the smallest element that can be uttered in isolation with objective or practical meaning.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Historically, when was whitespace used versus interpuncts versus no-separation?

The Wikipedia article on whitespace claimed until recently that the use of whitespace as a word separator was rare until its promotion by Alcuin of York in the Carolingian Renaissance. But I've found ...
wlad's user avatar
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Dataset for distribution of different systems for 'yes' and 'no' cross-linguistically?

The Wikipedia article for 'Yes and no' lists various distinct, common, systems for expressing the affirmative and the negative, ranging from no explicit terms (instead relying on echo responses) to ...
Geza Kerecsenyi's user avatar
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How did خشاب become the Persian word for magazine?

In Iran magazine (in a gun) is called خشاب (kheshab). I tried to find a relation to another language but I failed. The only thing I found is that خشب (khashb) means wood in Arabic. In Arabic magazine ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of English words that contain a rare combination of phonemes

I am looking for a wake up word for a digital product that would be easily detected with a voice recognition engine. This calls for a word that has a rare combination of phonemes so the product is ...
savonge's user avatar
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How do we shape our language's lexicon?

Society always drops, creates and re-uses words. But how does that happen? When do we get to decide what word to use, dump, or create, and in what method does that occur? Does someone invent a new ...
Jasperrolla's user avatar
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What are the essential words?

Take a dictionary. Each word is defined using other words. Take all the words of the dictionary. The words that appear in their definitions is a subset of words of this dictionary (and not the whole ...
bixiou's user avatar
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Words that are used in the same contexts across different languages

I am looking for a list of words that, albeit not being [obviously] morphologically related, can be used in different contexts and they have the same meaning in those contexts across different ...
Eugene Strizhok's user avatar
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Is it possible to define a concrete object with language clearly and accurately?

How do we know whether counterexamples of a concept are infinite or finite? Is there an end to the process of revision? It is usually claimed that defining a concept clearly and accurately is almost ...
Robin's user avatar
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Difference between polysemes and senses

As far as I understand, saying that two words are polysemes is saying they're synonymous homonyms, but not synonymous enough to be the same word. Senses on the other hand, are synonymous enough to be ...
user110391's user avatar
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Is there a list of multilingual rhymes?

I'm searching for multilingual rhymes like: Star - far / Stern - fern (German) Unfortunately I only have this one so far.
LostPhysx's user avatar
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What are all the ways to formulate a word?

Consider the formula according to which Sanskrit and most Indo-European languages formulate the word: [prefix] root + suffix + ending. And now consider the formula according to which Semitic languages ...
Cosmic Cat's user avatar
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What are lexeme, word and phrase in HPSG?

In “Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook” by Abeillé and Borsley, it says: lexeme, word, and phrase have a complex system of subtypes. The type lexical-sign, its subtypes, and the ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Think one word but type another word

I'm a writer so I'm typing all the time. Recently I've had instances that when proofreading my work I discover that I typed a totally different word than the one I obviously intend, and that there is ...
Richard Seltzer's user avatar
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How can I obtain a list / cross-comparison table of function / closed-class words in the world's languages? (preferably in softcopy, online etc.)

How can I obtain a list / cross-comparison table of function / closed-class words in the world's languages? (preferably in softcopy, online etc.) I am looking for something like: ...
forgodsakehold's user avatar
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Find theme or topic by a set of words

Is there a way to find a common topic given a set of words? For example, by giving the words: blue, red, green, the common theme would be color, or from beef, hamburger, salad, sandwich I would get ...
Nicolò Gasparini's user avatar
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What's the infinitive stem?

What's the infinitive stem? Can you explain it giving examples please? And is there something that called "resulting stem"?
Meltem Arslan's user avatar
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Analyses of English word formation processes?

I'm looking for analyses of the word stock of English which look at which word formation process accounts for what percentage of the word stock. When I say "word formation," I would include here ...
Dimitri001's user avatar
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What are words with similar spellings or pronunciations called? says Paronyms are words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different lexical meanings. Paronyms contrast with homonyms, which are ...
Tim's user avatar
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