
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

The study of the internal structure of expressions, especially between words and phrases, and the principles and processes that determine it. This includes words order, but also the grammatical relati…
A Germanic language, which originated from England, and is considered the leading language in international communication. For non-linguistic questions about the English language, visit one of our sis…
1086 questions
The study of the abstract aspect of the sounds or *phonemes* in a given language.
The study of the production and perception of sounds or "phones".
1007 questions
Words, phrases, and acronyms specific to the study of linguistics.
909 questions
The diachronic study of language and its evolution.
785 questions
The study of the history of words including their origins and the changes they've undergone through time.
Semantics is the study of meaning, used to understand expressions through language.
659 questions
A branch of science that uses computers and mathematical methods to construct and investigate linguistic theory. Its technological and algorithmic implementation is called NLP.
555 questions
A body of rules, features, or generalizations which reliably differentiate between grammatical and ungrammatical constructions.
542 questions
The study of the structure and formation of words and their component parts, "morphemes".
480 questions
The International Phonetic Alphabet: A Latin-based alphabet designed for transcribing all sounds of all languages.
369 questions
Questions seeking books, websites, articles, papers, research, or downloadable content on any linguistic topic.
335 questions
Proto-Indo-European (PIE), the reconstructed proto-language for the Indo-European language family
The study of structural features, diversity and commonalities among the world's languages.
304 questions
An informal term referring to the verbalized form of words specific to a language. Can also refer to particular individual's pronunciation, as in an accent or a pathology, or a specific speech event,…
297 questions
Orthography is a set of rules that determine the correct way of writing in a certain language, including norms about spelling, punctuation and word breaks. Orthography is usually not considered part o…
285 questions
Part of speech whose members indicate an action or a state of being.
282 questions
request for references of languages that satisfy the criteria set in the question.
256 questions
For linguistic questions concerning the Latin language, a dead Indo-European language of the Roman Empire and ancestor of modern Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and a few othe…
247 questions
Comparisons across (as opposed to within) languages or language families.
243 questions
A corpus (plural corpora) is a database of text or speech, possibly annotated with language-specific explanatory information. Used for testing statistical hypothesis and constructing quantitative mode…
239 questions
Graphical representations of hierarchical analyses of grammatical relations. Requests to make syntax trees are off-topic.
239 questions
Those speech sounds made with open, unrestricted vocal tracts, in contrast to consonants.
231 questions
For requests of linguistic resources (like corpora, training data, wordnets, ontologies). When looking for published references, use the [reference-request] tag instead.
228 questions
The discrete and distinctive units constituting the internalized inventory of sounds of a language. A sequence of phonemes is the preverbal form of a word. Phonemes may be systematically distorted upo…
227 questions
A study of the relationships or correspondences between the languages that have a common origin. Formerly known as Comparative Grammar, Comparative Philology.
219 questions
Refers either to abstract and often mathematical theories focused more on explanation and generalization than on application, or the discussion of these theories' properties.
197 questions
The phenomenon whereby a language's grammar and lexicon change over time.
192 questions
A Hellenic language principally spoken in Greece.
186 questions
The study of societal effects on language use and of language use on society.
183 questions
Romance language, official in 29 states, including France, Belgium and Côte d'Ivoire. For non-linguistic questions about the French language, visit our sister site French Language Stack Exchange.
182 questions
Inflectional forms that indicate the grammatical functions of nouns, pronouns and their modifiers (such as adjectives).
176 questions
The language family covering the majority of the languages of Europe and the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent.
176 questions
The traditional set of eight word classes: Noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, pronoun, and interjection.
172 questions
Branch of the Indo-European languages from Northern Europe, including English, German, Dutch, and the Scandinavian languages
171 questions
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