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4 votes

Conditional clauses, use of 'if, then, else' in major non-English languages?

In many languages, for example Bengali, the word comparable to if is optional and frequently absent, whereas the word marking the apodosis (usually with a similar function to then) is mandatory, ...
Araucaria - him's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between if and if-then?

There is no widely successful account, in linguistics or in philosophy, which gives distinct truth conditions for conditionals with and without then—Davis (1983) notwithstanding. In contrast, a ...
Araucaria - him's user avatar
2 votes

Conditional clauses, use of 'if, then, else' in major non-English languages?

As for the order of things: "In conditional statements, the conditional clause precedes the conclusion as the normal order in all languages. (...) (Greenberg 1963: 84, #14) (https://typo.uni-...
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1 vote

What are the relations between the different conditionals?

OK, after doing a bit of research on the terms you have listed, here is my understanding. First off, you are mixing classifications systems, or "comparing apples to oranges" as we say in English. The ...
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