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8 votes

Do stressed (in e.g. English) or pitched (in e.g. Japanese) phones contribute to different phonemes?

Whether we call something a "phoneme" or not depends on the kind of theory and analysis. It’s just an arbitrary tool of description. Some linguists will lump together tones and vowels/consonants as "...
melissa_boiko's user avatar
5 votes

What’s a good example a language phenomena in which f0 is NOT correlated to pitch?

The linguistic proxy for pitch is tone. As far as I know there are no languages where a tone distinction is not at all implemented via F0 differences, but there are very many where the distinction ...
user6726's user avatar
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3 votes

How many beats is a syllable?

A syllable is an organizational abstraction, a grouping of consonants around a vowel (with various putative exceptions). Beyond that, it doesn't make any sense to try to "define" a syllable, ...
user6726's user avatar
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3 votes

How is "rising tone" the same in all tonal languages?

Attempts to define tone types (e.g. rising, falling; mid, high, low) in terms of phonetic properties don't go very far, and crash when you try to devise rigorous criteria that apply to all tones ...
user6726's user avatar
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2 votes

In what sense if f0 not an objective measurement?

The presentation is not challenging "the existence of f0 itself". It is saying that tone is not just pitch (true) and that pitch is not just f0 (true). Tone, in the sense that is being used there, ...
jja's user avatar
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1 vote

Are there any standards for the manual modification of fundamental frequencies in Praat?

You can manipulate the settings in order to get a better result. Here is the parameters that you can change: ...
amegnunsen's user avatar
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What type of stress does French have

The distinction between dynamic stress and pitch accent describes types of word-level "stress" distinctions. So French has neither (and it also is not a tone language). In addition to word stress, ...
user6726's user avatar
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Do People and/or Robots Speak on Pitch and in Harmony with themselves?

This convenient chart gives frequency values for standard contemporary Western notes from octave 0 to 8, well beyond the possible range of the human voice. For example, C in octave 3 is 131 Hz (...
user6726's user avatar
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1 vote

Resources on stress, tone and pitch evolution

You might try the Oxford Bibliographies entry on tone, by Remijsen, if you can get access. There is a section on tonogenesis, though that is the opposite of the historical trend that you are asking ...
user6726's user avatar
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Choosing/Adjusting settings away from the standards in a Praat script

Those answers are given by Praat documention: Silence threshold (dB): determines the maximum silence intensity value in dB with respect to the maximum intensity. For example, if imax is the maximum ...
amegnunsen's user avatar
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1 vote

Pitch movements in English

"Pitch movements" presupposes a phonemicization of F0 into discrete elements. You can compute F0 at a specific short window, but "movement" implies abstraction from the short window to a longer window,...
user6726's user avatar
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