2 votes

What might be the theoretical explanation for tone sandhi sensitive to lexical information?

The most important thing to recognize is that the correlation "applies between words" and "refers only to phonetic properties" was refuted very early in the history of Lexical ...
user6726's user avatar
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2 votes

Simple example of circular tone sandhi?

This paper analyzes Xiamen tone sandhi; this is the Southern Min dialect of Quanzhang, and is much simpler than what is given in that Wiki page. This is also the case most widely discussed in the ...
user6726's user avatar
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Searching for the rules of tone sandhi in Lao

Thai and Lao are prime areas of exploration for the interface of lexical and post-lexical tone phonology. There does seem to be a lack of tone sandhi in the same way that many varieties of Chinese, ...
Michaelyus's user avatar
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Do all tonal languages have tone sandhi?

"Tone sandhi" is a vague terms so without a definition of what it is, I don't see any way to know. The term is usually used to refer to phonological changes of category that apply at the ...
user6726's user avatar
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