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Unanswered Questions

278 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
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Are the to infinitives, gerunds and bare infinitives objects?

Are the to infinitives, gerunds and bare infinitives objects? I see that everyone says different things. For example: I agreed to give him the money Some people will say that here "to give" is a ...
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0 answers

Does "a little" (en) correspond to the same grammatical class as "ein wenig" (de)?

If you want to say in German, "I speak a little German", you would say, Ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch. The phrase "ein wenig" is reminiscent of the English phrase "a little", but what is ...
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0 answers

Distribution of the set of meanings of a given word, in a corpus

I am looking to know about the distribution of word senses, of a particular word in a corpus. How often a word sense will occur out of all the occurrences of that word with any meaning. For example: ...
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0 answers

Publication venues focusing on reproducing results

Is there any publication venue for natural language processing focusing on reproducing results from other papers?
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0 answers

NER model training question

I have a question on NER? Suppose I have set of documents and do manual tagging for all the names in that document. Now based on those tagged words I train my model (using CRF), i.e. add the tagged ...
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0 answers

Are there any publicly available spell checking corpora?

I need some corpora that contain sentences with misspelled word(s) in order to evaluate the performance of my own spell checking approach. So, the corpora should define the right word alongside the ...
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0 answers

Is there a relationship between rank(token) and max(rank(tokens in document))?

Given a language L, a target word w, a [Zipfian] distribution of word frequencies (Rank(w)) and a [gamma] distribution of sentence lengths, can we come up with a way to determine the approximate count ...
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0 answers

Downloadable list of Romance-language cognates?

I'm looking for tables of cognates between French, Spanish and Italian (and potentially Latin, Portuguese, Catalan, etc.), so I can run some Python on them. If they could have extra information such ...
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0 answers

Inside-outside algorithm (PCFG learning) and binarization

I am implementing the Inside-outside algorithm to estimate the parameters of a PCFG based on the train corpus. One observation (on existing implementations) is that, the grammar is converted into ...
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0 answers

What are the foundational papers in computational phonology?

I'm working on a paper on the history of computational phonology. As I understand it, Chomsky & Halle's SPE acted as a catalyst for research in the field, namely by laying the foundations for two-...
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0 answers

Which grammar framework the terms "predicate/ complement/ adjunct" belong to?

From wiki, there're a number of grammar frameworks. Which framework the terms "predicate/ complement/ adjunct" belong to?
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0 answers

Stanford NLP parsers and idioms that have common semantic meaning

I have parsed the following sentence in the Stanford CoreNLP demo page and the Stanford parser demo page. Although both result in a parse that can imply purpose semantics (hinging on the advcl and the ...
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0 answers

Any NLP performance timeline?

I am looking for any plots, etc. that show performance metrics on various NLP tasks as a function of year. E.g. the following figure shows the evolution of performance of face recognition systems:
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0 answers

In the Minimalist Program, can valued uninterpretable features still act as goals before they are deleted?

the title pretty much says it, if deletion happens with shipping to the interfaces SEM/PHON, can a valued, uninterpretable feature still be a goal for another probe of this feature? In a DP, maybe as ...
3 votes
0 answers

Writer/math student seeking an overview of linguistics. Help?

I am a math and statistics student/enthusiast as well as a fiction writer with cultivated interest in a few foreign languages. Linguistics has held appeal to me for many years, but I admit to having ...

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