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Unanswered Questions

168 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
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Combinatory Categorial Grammar (комбинаторная категориальная грамматика) developments and lexicon for Russian language?

I am trying to apply Cornell Semantic Parsing framwork (implementation of Combinatory Categorial Grammars CCG) to Russian language. This framework takes natural ...
6 votes
0 answers

Formal Language theory (context free grammars, pushdown automata)

Does anyone know any good introductions to Formal Language theory and Formal Grammar, that covers the mathematical basis of Syntax and things like context free grammars and pushdown automata? In ...
5 votes
0 answers

Which method measures the degree of disagreement in online comments?

I am researching Fake News as a topic at my university. Right now, I am searching for some literature in which a method for measuring the degree of disagreement in an online comment setting (Facebook, ...
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0 answers

Combinatory Categorial Grammar for inflected languages?

Can combinatory categorial grammars be used for inflected languages like Slavic and Baltic languages? I am aware only of this thesis As far as I have ...
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0 answers

Genitive forms (German)

Do you know any rule how I can decide (formally), wheter a German sentence contains a Genitivus subjectivus or a Genitivus objectivus? Example: "der Besuch des Botschafters". Here, the ambassador ...
5 votes
0 answers

OCR program for IPA?

Is there a program that can convert a scan/image of IPA into any digital encoding? UTF-8 Unicode preferred, and low-cost preferred (open source would be especially nice).
4 votes
0 answers

PoS tagger - technical corpus

I try to find corpus with technical language to train my model, but I cannot find it. Do you know if there are any tagged PoS corpus in English related with technical language?
4 votes
0 answers

Using (e.g.) Stanford NLP for retrieving specific “indirect” objects

I am a computer scientist using Stanford NLP for extracting a Semantic Graph from plain text. Through this tool I am already getting the universal dependencies but now I want to get all the possible ...
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0 answers

The expressive power of languages : Information content in a sentence : How do we measure it

What is your name Isme shoma chi e Two sentences - same content. My question is about the way to measure information content in a language. How do we do this? Because quite evidently count of the ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between AUG and CCG?

What is the difference between Applicative Universal Grammar and Combinatory Categorial Grammar? They both use type inference rules to define their grammars. Is it simply that CCG uses combinatory ...
4 votes
0 answers

Where can I find Japanese-English (manually) word-aligned corpora?

I'm looking for as many very reliable Japanese-English corpora as possible so I'd like to ask: Are there any other manually aligned corpora besides KFFT's and Utiyama's? What are the most accurate ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to decrease CRF++ feature function set?

I have a problem with the CRF++ Package. CRF++ cannot handle large training parts-of-speech corpora (large tagset and large number of words). In fact, the number of feature functions automatically ...
3 votes
0 answers

List of counter examples + statistics of Greenberg's universal

I could not find a list of counter examples/ statistics of Greenberg's linguistic universals. There are numbers that I could find relevant information on WALS. There are some I could not find anything....
3 votes
0 answers

Computer analysis of ESL learners' mistakes

This is a very broad question; I'm trying to get a sense of the current state of this subfield of NLP and what relevant resources may already exist, so even tangential answers will be welcome. To what ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to incorporate sentence end marker in POS tagging with viterbi algorithm?

I am self-reading the NLP book by Dan Jurafsky. In the book, the following equation is given for incorporating the sentence end marker in the Viterbi algorithm for POS tagging. I am confused why the ...

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