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Unanswered Questions

164 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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find if a terms appears in specific pdf sections

i have scientific papers in pdf format and typically contain section. i wanted to know if an input term(s) appear in the introduction/ background or conclusion/ discussion section. how could this be ...
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I am looking for Danish/Dutch/English/Finnish/French/German/Italian/Norwegian/Spanish/Swedish/Turkish sms corpora

for my dissertation I am looking for sms corpora. I am mainly interested in automatic sms notifications that are sent to users when they buy things online or pay using credit cards (confirmation ...
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0 answers

What is the interlabeler agreement in the ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus, when using the 6-class tagset?

In the ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus, what is the interlabeler agreement in the ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus, when using the 6-class tagset? The 6-class tagset I am ...
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0 answers

Why doesn't GeneTag use BIO for its annotations?

GeneTag (1) is a tagged corpus for gene/protein named entity recognition. The corpus is annotated as follows: P00089778A0000 The_TAG concentration_TAG of_TAG alpha_GENE1 2_GENE1 -_GENE1 ...
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0 answers

Categorizing short sentences into a taxonomy

I feel like I might be in the wrong exchange, but I do not see a NLP exchange, so I figured this was the best bet. My current task is to take short sentences and try to categorize them based on some ...
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NLP system with end-to-end ambiguity support?

I've noticed that most NLP systems I can easily investigate on the Internet don't handle ambiguity at all, or only handle within components of the pipeline and not between components. For instance it ...
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adjective features - similar to beth Levin's verb classes?

Beth Levin published research on verb classes/alternations - is there similar for the adjective category of words? I can see references to countable/uncountable, gradable,absolute, of quantity/quality ...
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0 answers

Node level with Stanford dependency parser

I am trying to find a way to select the node(word) level using Stanford dependency parser. But, i haven't found any method that help to get the node level. I will be very grateful for your help
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Extracting subjective phrases from sentences

I have a set of sentences from which I want to extract all the subjective phrases. For eg., from I am pleased to learn that the president has been reelected., I want to extract am pleased. What is ...
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What is the role of syntax in semantic role labling?

For semantic role labeling process, is it enough to just using some corpora like FrameNet and PropBank, or we must have some syntactic annotated corpora using dependency grammar?
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0 answers

Articles Books on Automated Writing Evaluation Techniques

I have long been out of the NLP game, but I am curious to get back in. I wanted to know about modern techniques for doing automated writing evaluation of English texts. I want to take essay-form ...
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0 answers

Which layers of the language is dealing with co-reference resolution and how to solve it computationaly?

Which layers of the language is dealing with co-reference resolution and what are the steps to solve this problem in NLP?
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1 answer

Generating random logically consistent chains of sentences

I'm interested in generating random logically consistent chains of natural language sentences. I don't know anything about computational linguistics. I'm wondering if there are software packages or ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Extracting adjective phrase from a sentence

Could someone point me to some open source NLP or machine learning library that can be used (possibly with some additional processing) to extract an adjective phrase from a sentence? I.e, given the ...

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