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acattle's user avatar
acattle's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
19 votes

Why do we call some countries a different name than the people of that country?

16 votes

How many "words" do I need to learn?

12 votes

Impossible bigrams in the English Language

9 votes

Mathematical preparation for postgraduate studies in Linguistics

9 votes

Why do Richard and Robert become Dick and Bob?

8 votes

What does "speech time" mean?

8 votes

Will use of descriptive grammar ever overtake use of prescriptive grammar?

8 votes

Is there a significance to word order in ASL?

7 votes

Are there documented languages that evolved from tonal to nontonal?

7 votes

Why do people singing in English sound like Americans?

7 votes

How are words with no other context used as greetings or partings?

7 votes

Does native language influence intelligence quotient?

7 votes

Is there a way to prove one language is more efficient than another language for science?

7 votes

What are the job opportunities in linguistics?

6 votes

Rules of Yale Romanization of Korean

5 votes

What is a mora?

5 votes

Hearing your name in a noisy crowd: what is this called and how might it work?

5 votes

Is there a general correlation between the number of homophones in a language and how phonetic its writing system is?

5 votes

What is the sociocultural purpose of banning slang in schools?

4 votes

Studying Linguistics for a Programmer

4 votes

Did language originate and evolve just as organisms did? As in Evolution by Natural Selection?

4 votes

Criteria for separating Korean words

4 votes

"Like" in English (and perhaps other languages)

4 votes

Are we witnessing the death of stative "think"?

4 votes

sentiment analytics

4 votes

Do we have a name for informal & polite language?

3 votes

Common English bigrams / trigrams - recognising that a jumble of letters contain only valid English words

3 votes

Korean syllable-final ㅅ in Hangul transcription of loanwords

3 votes

If similar phonemes are pronounced the same, will this be difficult to understand for a native speaker?

2 votes

Are variations normally less frequent within written forms of a language than spoken versions of the same language?