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P Elliott's user avatar
P Elliott
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
15 votes

What's the difference between counterbleeding, bleeding and feeding?

14 votes

What are the chief advantages & disadvantages of describing sentences with dependency vs. phrase structure trees?

8 votes

Do any languages form plural pronouns by adding a suffix to the singular form?

8 votes

How do English people understand the grammatical cases?

7 votes

Is there a term for a finite verb which cannot be followed by an infinitive verb, in English?

7 votes

What is minimalist about the minimalist program?

6 votes

In which of these sentences is “and” used for coordination?

6 votes

Resources to Chomsky's Universal Grammar

6 votes

What's the difference between recursion and embedding?

6 votes

Interchangeable arguments with English copula

6 votes

Could anyone give examples of context-sensitive sentences that cannot be generated by context-free rules?

5 votes

Are there any natural languages that mark the distinction between cataphoric and anaphoric pronouns?

5 votes

Textbook suggestions for syntax, semantics/pragmatics and phonetics/phonology

4 votes

Syntactic representation of Across-the-board Extraction

4 votes

Syntax of exceptives (generative syntax)

4 votes

Is the reality of zero morphs controversial among linguists?

3 votes

Is "soon" in "it is soon" a predicative adverb or adjective or both?

3 votes

Dictionary of Georgian language with lexical stress?

3 votes

What are the various rules to deal with "markedness" if the speaker doesn't know?

3 votes

Why are "first-person inclusive" forms called "first-person"?

3 votes

Describing recursive structures with regular expresions as grammars

2 votes

Can one noun phrase follow another in English?

2 votes

Does MP model generation or comprehension?

2 votes

Why doesn't the subject prevent WH- extraction of an internal argument?

2 votes

Does pragmatics cut down or add to the stock of interpretations generated by the semantics?

2 votes

Grammar for language L = {ww ∣ w ∈ {a,b,c} * }

2 votes

How to express semantics in functions

2 votes

Relative clauses in X-Bar

1 vote

Possessive constructions signifying semantic equation: term? distribution? explanation?

1 vote

X-Bar theory and Trees